مقاله Investigation of Aflatoxin M1 Reduction in Milk by Solution of Radioactive Iodine131

در حال بارگذاری
18 سپتامبر 2024
فایل ورد و پاورپوینت
9 بازدید
۶۹,۷۰۰ تومان

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 مقاله Investigation of Aflatoxin M1 Reduction in Milk by Solution of Radioactive Iodine131 دارای ۱۰ صفحه می باشد و دارای تنظیمات در microsoft word می باشد و آماده پرینت یا چاپ است

فایل ورد مقاله Investigation of Aflatoxin M1 Reduction in Milk by Solution of Radioactive Iodine131  کاملا فرمت بندی و تنظیم شده در استاندارد دانشگاه  و مراکز دولتی می باشد.

توجه : در صورت  مشاهده  بهم ریختگی احتمالی در متون زیر ،دلیل ان کپی کردن این مطالب از داخل فایل ورد می باشد و در فایل اصلی مقاله Investigation of Aflatoxin M1 Reduction in Milk by Solution of Radioactive Iodine131،به هیچ وجه بهم ریختگی وجود ندارد

بخشی از متن مقاله Investigation of Aflatoxin M1 Reduction in Milk by Solution of Radioactive Iodine131 :

سال انتشار : ۲۰۱۳

تعداد صفحات :۱۰

Aflatoxins are toxins which are usually produced by a kind of Aspergillus fungus named Flavus, Parasiticus, and Numius. There are 18 kinds of Aflatoxins have been discovered by scientists and Aflatoxin B1 is the most toxic and carcinogenic. Taking aflatoxins present in food causes lots of diseases like liver diseases, alcoholic liver, mutagenesis, and malformation in animals. It also has some other outcomes like weakness of immune system, decrease in growth, decrease in eating, decrease in lactation in cows and abortions. To reduce the aflatoxin in milk, there are different methods and in this paper have done that by iodine solution. Milk is the most perfect food that can be used by humans. This food consists of a complicated compound including fat, proteins, sugar, lactose, minerals, vitamins, and water. A significant amount of milk is water and it may be due to the iodine present in the water. Iodine is a radioactive element which existence in milk during production and storing causes some physical and chemical changes in milk and its components. This paper is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the dose amount of absorbed Gama was measured during one day with a milk with aflatoxin impregnated with 1Bq/m3 iodine based on Nano rad with MCNPX software. In the second stage the Reduction of aflatoxin M1 with adding radioactive iodine to milk was investigated

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